Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Healing in the Heart of Christ

Healing in the Heart of Christ

"O Christ, you are united to every being without exception. Still
more, risen from the dead, you come to heal the secret wound of our
soul. And for each of us there opens the gates of an infinite goodness
of heart. Through such love, little by little our soul is changed."
( Brother Roger of Taize, No Greater Love)

Healer of our Soul
In the previous chapter we focused on Prayer of the Heart as the way we come to find an interior space of sanctuary to heal in Christ. We must not equate spiritual healing with psychological or physical healing. To heal spiritually is to heal the soul. Here it is important to distinguish between "soul" and the true "spirit" within us. Many of the mystics will speak of the spirit as that which remains hidden in Christ, ever whole and untouched by sin and the conditioning of human life and society. The true spirit is our true Heart, the center of our being, the sanctuary of Christ's Heart within us, and dwelling place of the Trinity. The true spirit is the Imago Dei within us and source of our ontological union with God. The soul is the spiritual consciousness of the human being. The soul is the fruit and creation of our passage in this life and the medium where we do our inner work of transformation.  Spiritual practice is soul making and soul transforming. While the spirit remains ever whole, the soul is subject to the injuries of life and the deadening of moral blindness if we turn away from the Beloved's voice within us. Such moral and spiritual death leaves a soul bound in separateness and locked in a dungeon of self-absorption, inaccessible to communion with the Divine. The soul, transformed and infused with the love of Christ, is the gift we make to God in the life's spiritual journey. The true spirit already rests in its belonging in God. Our spiritual work in this life is to bring forth a soul that is transparent, shining, and aflame with the Light of Christ, in harmony with the true spirit.

In the inner work of Prayer of the Heart we bring the wounds and dark spaces of our soul to the healing touch of Christ. We open every dark corner of the soul to the Light and Love of Christ to be offered to His limitless Love. Some wounds we bear impede us from this profound act of trust. Among them are fear, rejection, and shame. A little child will not trust a doctor or nurse to touch an injured area if they are afraid. Persons will not allow themselves to be seen unclothed or speak their secret hurts if they are ashamed or expect rejection or negative judgement.  We must be willing to be naked to fully receive the unconditional love of Christ in our communion with Him and thus be healed. We will not bring the wounds of our soul for healing if we wish to look away, or if we are convinced we can heal them by other means. Such is the impact of spiritual blindness and a divided life. If we remain isolated and hidden from the Love of Christ, neither can we become transparent before Him in our willingness to offer our souls to be healed in His Heart.

But the central wound of our soul and source of every spiritual ill is the wound of separateness. For Christians Christ is the healing balm for this injury, freeing us to live our human life fully united with His Life in every moment of life.

In the silent communion of our Prayer of the Heart practice and in the midst of daily life we lift up in offering each moment, in each breath, in each invocation to Yeshua, our wounds as they appear and are revealed. We offer them to the One whose Love encompasses all and brings all to Resurrection in Him. The wounds of our soul become transformed into spiritual strength in the Heart of Christ.